The Iranian actress and filmmaker Pegah Ahangarani was convicted at first instance to eighteen months in prison, said his mother, Manijeh Hekmat, the News Agency Iranian Students (ISNA). Although prohibited from leaving the country for three years, the director of 29 years previously led its activities freely.
The agency ISNA believes that the death penalty has been imposed because of“political statements and interviews given to the media hostile aliens, “ without giving further details. By law, you need a confirmation of the sentence on appeal for it to be applied.
“The family hopes that the new climate created [after the election of moderate President Hassan Rohani], restrictions on the actress are reduced and that the sentence be revised “ , said Manijeh Hekmat, who said she going to call. In July 2011, Pegah Ahangarani was arrested and released on bail a week later.
Recently, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran ,Ahmed Shaheed, noted that “the situation of human rights remains a concern and shows no sign of improvement” , despite the openness advocated by Hassan Rohani since his inauguration in August.
Before his arrest, the filmmaker had been prevented from making in Germany , where she was commenting the World Cup of women’s football in a blog specially created by the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
Pegah Ahangarani was awarded the actress the Iranian Fajr festival in February 2013 for the film Dar Band (“captive”), also presented at the Chicago Film Festival, where it had not been able to make , tells his mother.
Iran:Actress Pegah Ahangarani sentenced to 18 months in prison
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