Sunday, 10 March 2013

Would Samsung Be Able To Beat The Market Through Galaxy S4


We have in recent weeks been much published about the yet to be announced Samsung Galaxy S4. In a report published today we read that after Nokia, HTC and LG now Samsung and Apple are going to focus on smartphones that are capable of wireless charging. The Samsung Galaxy S4 would be the first device within Samsung that this technique will be provided.


According to sources close to the industry in question would be the Samsung Galaxy S4 with the Qi wireless technology developed by the Wireless Power Consortium. However, it is not certain that this will be promoted immediately, but it would therefore be present.

After Samsung would also Apple’s new smartphone to feature this technology. However, it seems that Apple technology for wireless charging in-house and therefore does not make use of the technique in the Galaxy S4 will be used.

The Nokia Lumia 920 was of course the first device that uses wireless charging. Later slots also HTC, Motorola, Sony Mobile and LG join the Wireless Power Consortium. LG Optimus S Pro now comes with the option, but on the other manufacturers we have to wait.

Would Samsung Be Able To Beat The Market Through Galaxy S4

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