Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Archbishop: Stop Attack on Homosexuality


The Catholic Church must be in the defense of traditional values ​​and less focus on attacking homosexuality. In the past, the church herein by shot.

So says the American Archbishop Timothy Dolan in an interview with ABC News .

“We need to better do our best to ensure that our defense of marriage between man and woman is not an attack on gay people,” said the cardinal.

Anti-gay men

Dolan admitted that the church in the past here stabbing dropped. “We are not” anti “gay, we defend only  what God has taught us,” said Dolan.

The archbishop said that God also loves gay men and that he wants them to be happy. “But at the same time we also say that the way to happiness, especially when it comes to sexual happiness is only for a man and a woman in a natural way, self-propelled, plants,” said Dolan who therefore also against gay marriage in the United States.
Gay Marriage

The debate over gay marriage has recently resurfaced in the United States. The court examines currently or unconventional wedding at national level should be made ​​possible. Now gay couples in individual states already tie the knot .

The Catholic Church is opposed in principle to the marriage for two people of the same sex. The current Pope Francis sees nothing in gay marriage.

Archbishop: Stop Attack on Homosexuality

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