Wednesday, 25 September 2013

No Handshake between Obama and Rohani at UN meeting


obama_rouhaniU.S. President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rohani will not now meet both leaders in New York for the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN).

That says a U.S. government official Tuesday. The White House said that America is open to a meeting between the two presidents.


Although America hinted at a meeting, would Iranian authorities are not ready for a meeting at presidential level. A discussion of the presidents would be a symbolic step in the clouded relations between the countries.

Obama spoke Tuesday at surprisingly mild tone on Iran during the General Assembly. ”We are not looking for a change of power and we respect the right of the Iranian people to have access to peaceful nuclear energy,” said Obama.


Minister Frans Timmermans (Labour, Foreign Affairs) has announced support. rapprochement of America Obama in the White House wants to use the next three years to recover. Poor relationship with Iran

Timmermans will ‘support’ the rapprochement. The story of Obama called the Minister ‘honest and inspiring. “ ”My plea towards both parties has always been: go talk to each other.”

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister says Benjamin Netanyahu that Iran’s approach toward Israel has not changed despite the charm offensive Rohani.

No Handshake between Obama and Rohani at UN meeting

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